The DeRuiter Family

This is Hunter the heart warrior and his family, The DeRuiter’s.

At 20 weeks pregnant with their 3rd child, Sean and Chelsea received the diagnosis that their baby has a severe congenital heart defect known as Tetralogy of Fallot with Pulmonary Atresia. The condition is a combination of 5 heart abnormalities, but to put it as simply as they are able to grasp it, his pulmonary artery that connects the aorta to the lungs did not develop. Where a spaghetti sized artery should have grown, Hunter had barely a thread. In turn, his heart tried to create ways to get blood to his lungs and grew abnormal “collateral” arteries at random that would require multiple surgical interventions to correct when he was born in order for him to have a chance to live a long healthy life.

On December 29th, 2021 at just 5 weeks old, Hunter had his first open heart surgery at their home hospital in Phoenix. For the full repair of his heart, it was necessary for Sean and Chelsea to take him to the surgical team most experienced in Hunters specific condition and in August of 2022, Hunter underwent a successful 22+ hour open heart surgery at Stanfords childrens hospital in California. This year, they are home, together, for the holidays. All glory to God! The trials and tribulations of this year has brought this family to its knees in both praise and despair. While Hunter’s heart is repaired, his condition cannot be cured. He will be closely followed by multiple specialists for the rest of his life, needing more heart surgeries as he grows. The DeRuiter’s fight for a long healthy life for Hunter will never be over, and Ryan’s Hope’s mission is to fight along with them.


The Larsh Family


Myliza’s Story